To the distinguished man of
God, Gellius Snecanus, my fellow minister, most beloved in Christ, James
Arminius wishes health and success through Christ.
I cannot easily describe,
most excellent sir, with how much delight I was affected by reading and
seriously considering your commentary on the 9th chapter of the Epistle to the Romans.
For when I saw that your idea of the scope of the Apostle, and of the use of
his principle arguments, was the same, as I had recently presented to my
congregation, in explaining the same chapter, I was greatly confirmed in that
opinion, both because I have great confidence in your judgment, and because I
found proofs in the arguments, which you advanced. I could not, therefore, do
less than to write, in return, to you to present my thanks, and to inform you
how I have proceeded in explaining this chapter, and what impelled me to take
this course; not to prove our mutual agreement only, but to confirm it as much
as is in my power. I candidly confess that this chapter has always seemed to me
to be involved in the greatest obscurity, and its explanation has appeared most
difficult, until light, introduced in this way, dispelled the shades, and
placed the subject, illustrated by its own clearness, before my mind, so as to
be plainly understood.
I come to the subject itself.
In the first place, the scope of the chapter is the same with that of the whole
epistle: That the Gospel, not the law, is the power of God unto salvation, not
to him that works, but to him that believeth, since, in the Gospel the
righteousness of God is manifested in the obtainment of salvation by faith in
Christ. This chapter performs its part,
and indeed is peculiarly engaged in the support of that proposition. It defends
the proposition against the objections of the Jews, who, with all their power,
endeavour to overturn it as hostile and destructive to their own views, and so
defends it as to confirm its truth more and more, and, by refuting those
objections, adds strength and stability to the foundation already laid, in that
very divine word and purpose, which the Jews were strenuously wresting, in
their own favour, to the overthrow of Paul’s doctrine.
That such is the design of
the chapter, the connection shows, the relation of which may be sought, partly
from this antecedent proposition. Many of the Jews are cast off, which is
included, also, in the introduction of this chapter -- “I could wish that
myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren,” partly from the negation
contained in the sixth verse -- “Not as though the word of God has taken none
effect.” Both of which, being embraced in one enunciation, may be suitably
rendered thus -- Though most of the Jews are rejected, yet the word of God does
not therefore fail. Hence it appears, most clearly, that the Jews had made an
assertion, against Paul, opposed to this negation, that, by the interposition
of that antecedent, (which was, immediately, deduced from the doctrine of Paul)
they might convict that doctrine, from which a consequence so absurd might be
deduced, of falsity, and refute it as absurd, in this manner: -- “If most of
the Jews are rejected, the word of God must fail; -- But it cannot be that the
word of God should fail; -- Therefore, most of the Jews are not rejected.” How
does this operate against the apostle? He had proposed a doctrine, which
necessarily included the rejection of the Jews to a very considerable extent,
namely, righteousness and salvation are to be obtained by faith in Christ, not
by the works of the law. It was easy for the Jews to deduce from this, -- “If
righteousness and salvation consist in faith in Christ, whom Paul preaches, it
follows that the Jews, for the most part, are rejected from the covenant.” The
reason of this conclusion is this. “Because most of the Jews do not believe in
Christ.” But it is false that most of the Jews are rejected by God; for then
the word of God would fail. Therefore, the doctrine of the apostle Paul, from
which that consequence is deduced, is absurd. The apostle considered that it
was necessary for them to refute this objection, which threatened overthrow and
destruction to his doctrine, by showing that the undoubted principle, which the
Jews used as the prop of their objection, was not only not injurious to his
cause, but even very favourable to it.
It is necessary to properly
settle the state of the question in controversy between the apostle and the
Jews. For this will be of great importance to the whole matter. It is not -- “are
most of the Jews rejected?” or -- “Is the word of God of none effect?” For the
apostle confesses that it would be impious even to admit the latter thought.
The former he will afterwards prove by the clear testimony of the Scripture.
But the question embraces both these; -- “Will the word of God fail, even if
most of the Jews are rejected?” Even this is not sufficient. The answer of this
question does not settle the whole dispute, or exhaust all the difficulties.
For, if the apostle, by the force of his arguments, should gain this point,
that some, and indeed most of the Jews, are rejected, and yet the word of God
remains sure, would not this question remain: “Does not the word of God fail,
if those of the Jews are rejected, who, with the greatest zeal, seek the
righteousness of the Law?” That question must still remain, as it would be easy
for the Jews to make an exception to the solution of that question -- “Though
the word of God may remain sure, if many of the Jews are rejected, yet we
cannot be included in the number, else the word of God would fail.” This element, therefore, having been added,
will complete the entire statement of the question, thus: “Does not the word
God become of none effect, if those of the Jews, who seek righteousness, not of
faith, but of the law, are rejected by God.”
This question is suited to
his design; the solution of this finishes the discussion, and exhausts all the
difficulties; of this the apostle treats, as is evident from his arguments,
which all bear upon its solution. Nor indeed is that, which gave rise to the
question, to be separated from the question, and to refute which that principle
having reference to the certainty of the word of God, was adduced by the Jews,
and which the apostle also endeavoured, as strongly as possible, to assert
against them. In this question, therefore, this is to be chiefly attended to,
-- “would the word of the covenant, entered into with the Jews, be in vain, if
the doctrine of the apostle in reference to the attainment of righteousness and
salvation by faith alone in Christ, not by the law, or the works of the law,
should find a place, and should be regarded as the fundamental principle of
salvation?” How much difference exists between those two conditions of the
question, and of how much importance that difference is, you readily see. For
the question, proposed in this mode, “would not the word of God be vain, if
most of the Jews are rejected?” could be answered in this way. “God indeed, in
the word of promise, invited all the Jews and called them to a participation of
the covenant, but yet, by His eternal decree and purpose, He determined in fact
to make only some of the Jews partakers, passing by the rest, and leaving them
in their former state.” Some indeed say that this is the sum of the answer of
the apostle to the proposed question. But the question, proposed in this last
manner, -- “Would not the word of God fail, if those of the Jews, who seek
righteousness, not of faith, but of the law, are rejected by God?” -- can only
be answered in this way. “God, in His word, and in the declaration of His
promise, signified that He considered, in the relation of children, only, those
of the Jews, who should seek righteousness and salvation by faith, but in the
relation of foreigners, those who should seek the same by the law.” But the two
answers are very different. In the former, the decree of Predestination is
defined according to the sentiment of Beza and others; in the latter, according
to your sentiment. Far be it from me, however, to make a statement such as to
confirm your view or my own concerning the decree of Predestination by the
answer, which I see to be alone adapted to the question so stated. The passage
itself will, indeed, declare, if examined, that the state of the question is
that, which I have presented, if a right judgment can really be formed,
concerning the state of the question, from the arguments adduced in its
discussion, and from the conclusion arrived at, which no one will deny, who has
ever saluted the threshold of knowledge.
Let us, then, consider these
points, in the answer of the apostle. First, he denies that the consequence -- “the
word of God fails” -- can, in any way, be deduced from the antecedent, which
the Jews proposed: in these words -- “Not as though the word of God has taken
none effect.” Then he subjoins the reason of the denial, and the Scriptural
proof, interwoven with the reason by means of allegories, dictated by God, and
explained by the apostle. The reason consists in the distinction of the Jews,
and their two-fold classification, in respect to this divine word and purpose,
or from the two-fold seed of Abraham, of which only one was comprehended in
that word and purpose. “For,” he says, “they are not all Israel which are of
Israel: Neither because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children:”
but there are, among them, some “children of the flesh” and others “children of
the promise;” whence it is concluded -- If the word of God does not embrace all
the Israelites in one character, it does not fail, even if some, from their
number, may be rejected; and much less, if they are rejected of whom it is
evident, from the word itself, that they never were comprehended in it. This
indeed ought altogether to be added, or the question can in no way be
satisfied. It was, indeed, added, as is apparent from the apostle. Nor, indeed,
does he only say that not all are comprehended under that word, but he
describes those, who are considered as children by God, and who are not
included in that term. For the children of the flesh are considered, by the
apostle, alien from the covenant, and the children of the promise are
considered partakers of the covenant. Hence this argument, refuting Jewish
objection, may be constructed. If the word of God comprehends only the children
of the promise, to the exclusion of the children of the flesh, then it follows
that the word of God does not fail, even if the children of the flesh are
rejected: it, indeed, would fail if they should be received, who are excluded
by the very condition of the covenant; -- But the word of God comprehends only
the children of the promise, to the exclusion of the children of the flesh; --
Therefore, the word of God does not fail, even if the children of the flesh are
rejected. By consequence, also; -- The word of God does not fail, even if most
of the Jews are rejected, provided they are embraced in the number of the
children of the flesh, and that they are so included is evident from the
description of the children of the flesh.
The children of the flesh are
said, in this place, by the apostle, to be those who, by the works of the law,
follow after righteousness and salvation. In this way, also, the consequent is
sustained, being deduced from his doctrine concerning justification and
salvation by faith in Christ. For it does not follow from this, that some of
the Jews are rejected, unless by this distinguishing mark, namely, that they do
not believe in Christ, but follow after the righteousness of the law. But the
children of the promise are they, who seek righteousness and salvation by faith
in Christ. This description of the children of the flesh and of the promise is
so plain from the Scriptures, as not to need further argument. But the
foundations of the proofs can be sought from the 4th, 9th, and 10th chapters of
this epistle, and from the 3rd and 4th chapters of the Epistle to the
Galatians, as you have observed, and as I presented to my congregation, when I
treated this subject.
From this discussion of the
question it is evident, that it must be proposed in the second manner, with
reference to the character of those rejected. We must now, indeed, consider the
proof of that reason, which is assumed in the refutatory syllogism. For the
consequence, deduced from it, is, in itself, clear and manifest. The apostle,
then, proves that the word of the promise and covenant comprehends only the
children of the promise, to the exclusion of the children of the flesh, and
this by a two-fold type, one, taken from the family of Abraham, and the other
from the family of Isaac. But two things are to be presupposed to the argument
in both cases, both supported by the authority of the apostle, which ought to
be held sacred by us. One, that Ishmael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob, are to be
considered, not in themselves, but as types in those passages, which he
presents. The other, that they are types of the children of the flesh and of
the promise. The apostle proves neither, but assumes both and correctly. For it
is most certain, from an inspection of the passages themselves, that this is
so, for the apostle says, in Galatians 4:24, “which things are an allegory,”
and that the first sense, which God wished to give in those passages, is not
literal, but allegorical. These things being presupposed, the force of the
apostle’s argument consists in the agreement between the types and antitypes,
which is as great as is the immutability and constancy of Him, who willed that
these should be the types, corresponding to those antitypes. But it is to be
observed that this agreement consists, not in their exact resemblance, but in
their mutual connection and relation, the proper difference of type and
antitype being preserved. I give this admonition that no one may think it
necessary that he, who represents the children of the flesh, should himself be a
child of the flesh, by the mode of the same definition. Now, to the particular
cases. The proof from the first type
depends on these two passages of Scripture (verses 7 and 9). “In Isaac shall your
seed be called,” and “at this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son.”
From which this argument is deduced, that agreement being presupposed; -- In
the seed, reference is made to Isaac; -- But Isaac is the type of all the
children of the promise; -- Therefore, all the children of the promise are
regarded in the seed. The Major is embraced in these words -- “In Isaac shall your
seed be called.” The Minor, partly in these words -- “For this is the word of
promise, ‘At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son;’” partly in
that agreement, of which mention was made.
But not only may we infer
that all the children of the promise are reckoned in the seed, but that they
alone are so reckoned. For those things, which are spoken of Isaac, are
effectual to the exclusion of Ishmael, as the apostle signifies by the
adversative particle “but” (7th verse), joined to the member of the sentence,
opposed to the former negations, “but, In Isaac shall your seed be called;” from which this conclusion is
deduced; -- Ishmael is not reckoned in the seed; -- But Ishmael is the type of
all the children of the flesh; -- Therefore, none of the children of the flesh
are reckoned in the seed. I know that in that figure, the conclusion is deduced
only in a particular case, but the strength of the conclusion depends on the
agreement, which subsists between the type, and that which is adumbrated by the
type, in accordance with the immutable will of God. We know, also, that a
conclusion may be drawn from the necessity of the subject, which cannot be
drawn from the particular form of the syllogism. Here we might say many things
concerning the consequent mode of the mutual relation of Ishmael and the
children of the flesh, and of Isaac, and the children of the promise; and how
this was aptly signified by the birth of each, as the apostle declares was
prefigured by that type. But I think that it is unnecessary to repeat those
things, because they serve only to explain that sentiment, not to confirm it,
as it is sufficiently proved to us by the authority of the apostle, namely,
that the children of the flesh are signified by Ishmael, but the children of
the promise, by Isaac.
Now another type is
introduced, taken from the family of Isaac, in which the apostle affirms that
the same thing is declared, as in the former, when he says (10th verse) “and
not only this, but when Rebecca, also, &c.” That passage, therefore,
adduced for the same purpose, is to be explained in accordance with the same
design. But three things are to be considered here, in order. First -- some
circumstances, peculiar to this type, which add much weight to the proof of the
apostle, and by which the apostle anticipates whatever he foresees can be
brought forward by the Jews against the former type in opposition to his cause.
Secondly -- the word of God, which was addressed to Rebecca, which the typical
argument embraces, is illustrated from another passage, taken from one of the
prophets. Thirdly -- the explanation which Paul, the divinely inspired, gives
of the object and scope of that divine declaration.
As to the first, the Jews
could object against the former type, that it is not wonderful that Ishmael,
being rejected, Isaac should be adopted as a son by God, both because Ishmael
was the child of a bond woman, and Isaac of the free woman, and because, before
God announced the word of promise to Sarah, Ishmael was born and could have
perpetrated those things which made him unworthy of that honour and felicity.
The apostle meets these objections, and replies to the first, that, in the case
of Esau and Jacob, the circumstances were entirely different, as they had both
the same father and the same mother, and were born at the same birth. In reply
to the second objection, he refers to the words, addressed to Rebecca, when she
was yet carrying the twins in her womb, and therefore, the children were not
yet born, and could not have done any good or evil, by which one deserved to be
rejected and the other adopted. By these circumstances, the Jews were deprived
of any objection, which they could make against the previous type, namely, that
they, being born of the free woman, and seeking their salvation from the law,
could, in no way whatever, be reckoned among those who were rejected. Those
words, addressed to Rebecca, are to be considered, which were briefly these: “The
elder shall serve the younger.” They are explained by a passage from Malachi 1:2-3.
“Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated,” and this is said, that it may be
evident that the servitude of the elder is united with the divine hatred, and
the dominion of the younger with the divine love.
Here we must repeat what was
said before, as a general remark, that Esau and Jacob are to be considered, not
in themselves, but as types, and so that which is attributed to them, is to be
accommodated to the antitypes, or rather to the things signified. Hence, also,
the antitypes are to be considered, before a conclusion, similar to the former,
can be deduced from them, to the refutation of the sentiment of the Jews and to
the confirmation of that of the apostle. But what those antitypes are may be
gathered from the end or design which the apostle has added, in these words: “that
the purpose of God, according to election, might stand, not of works, but of
Him that calls.” That is, God, in those words, “the elder shall serve the
younger,” addressed to Rebecca, “the children being not yet born, neither
having done any good or evil,” designed to indicate nothing else than that He
had formed, in His own mind, from eternity, a purpose to communicate
righteousness and salvation, not one which should embrace all the posterity of
Abraham universally, but which should be according to election, by which He
would distinguish between these and those, not considered simply in their own
nature, as pure or corrupt, but in respect to the condition, by which
righteousness and salvation were to be applied, as the apostle shows in the
following words -- that this purpose, according to election, might stand not of
works, but of him who calls, in which words is contained a description of the
antitypes, which had before been given in the phrases “children of the flesh”
and “children of the promise.” Here it is more clear, for the children of the
flesh and those of the promise are, such, by their own peculiarity, defined by
the apostle, in this passage, since the former are “of works,” the latter of
faith, by which obedience is rendered unto God, who “calls.” Therefore, the
apostle says that the purpose of God, which is according to election, has
reference to those who have faith in God who calls, and who trust in Christ,
not to those who seek salvation by the works of the law. The conclusion can be
drawn from these things against the objection of the Jews in favour of the
doctrine of the apostle concerning justification by faith, in this way: “If the
word of God and His purpose is according to election, by which the former is
rejected, and the latter accepted, then it follows, even if some of the Jews
are rejected, yet that word and purpose is not in vain; rather indeed, if that
purpose, which is according to election, should be said to embrace all without
any election, it would be in vain; -- But this word and purpose is according to
election; Therefore, even if some of the Jews should be rejected, yet that word
and purpose does not, on that account, fail; it is, indeed, rather confirmed
from that fact, because it is its nature to exclude some, as it is according to
election, by which one is rejected and another accepted.”
An indefinite proof of this
kind, however, is not sufficient for this subject: for it remains to be proved
that those same persons are excluded by the purpose according to election, who
are properly considered to be excluded and rejected, according to the doctrine
of the apostle concerning justification by faith, namely, those who sought to
obtain righteousness and salvation, not from faith in Christ, but from the
works of the law. This, therefore, the apostle adds. Hence to exhaust the whole objection, the
conclusion is drawn thus: If the purpose, according to election, stands, not of
works, but of Him that calls, then it follows that they, who seek after
righteousness and salvation from the works of the law, and by the law, are not
included in that purpose, but they, only, who by faith obey God, who promises
and calls; -- But the purpose, according to election, stands, not of works, but
of Him that calls; -- Therefore, in that purpose, they are not embraced, who
are of the law, but only they who are of the faith of Jesus Christ. The Major
is, in itself, plain from its phraseology, if rightly understood, which
signifies that the firmness of the purpose, which is according to election,
depends, not on works, but on Him that calls. Therefore, to them who are of the
works of the law, this purpose cannot be firm and sure, but to those who are of
From this idea, I seem to
myself to perceive the reason that God placed the condition of the covenant of
grace, not in a perfect obedience to the law, as previously, but in faith in
Christ. The minor depends on the declaration “the elder shall serve the
younger,” and on the agreement of the type and antitype, which consists in this
-- that what is presignified by the type should correspond to the antitype.
But, by the type of Esau and Jacob, is presignified, first, that the purpose of
God is according to election; then, that this purpose stands, not of works, but
of Him that calls. The former, indeed, because one was loved and the other
hated; one was preferred to and placed over the other, which is a sign of “the
purpose according to election;” the latter, because Esau, the elder, was hated
and made subject, and Jacob, the younger, was loved, and placed over him, which
is a sign that this purpose stands, “not of works, but of Him that calls;” that
is, that God loves them, who seek righteousness, and salvation by faith in
Christ, but hates them who seek the same by the works of the law. It follows
that they are not embraced in that purpose, who are of the works of the law,
but only they who are of the faith of Jesus Christ, and consequently that those
of the Jews are rejected, who followed the righteousness of the law, and they
are elected and loved, who sought participation in righteousness by faith in
Christ. Therefore, so far from the truth is it that this doctrine of
justification by faith is overthrown by the word of the covenant and the divine
purpose, that, by this, alone, it is established.
At this point, I have also
explained to many, how the Jews were signified by Esau, the elder, who were
seeking, in their zeal for the law, justification and life by the law, and
that, by Jacob, the younger, they were signified, who sought the same things by
faith in Christ. It is not necessary to repeat these things here; the authority
of the apostle is sufficient, who thus explains those types, and who, briefly,
from the agreement of the type and antitype, or that which is signified by the
type, deduces this argument. Esau, the elder, was condemned to be the servant
of his brother, by God, and was hated by him; -- But Esau, the elder, is the
type of all those who seek justification and salvation by the works of the law;
-- Therefore, all they who seek salvation by the works of the law, are
condemned to servitude, and are hated by God. Again; -- Jacob, the younger,
obtained dominion over his brother, and was loved by God; -- Jacob, the
younger, is the type of all those who, according to the grace of vocation, by
faith seek justification. Therefore, they who, according to the grace of
vocation, by faith seek justification, obtain dominion, and are loved by God.
Both Majors are included in the declarations “The elder shall serve the younger”
and “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” The Minors are contained in
these words, “that the purpose of God, according to election, might stand, not
of works, but of Him that calls,” and depend on the authority of the apostle,
who thus explains those types.
Hence it is apparent that the
question referred not only to the rejection of some and the acceptance of
others, but to the rejection or acceptance of those of certain characters, that
is, those distinguished by certain qualities. Therefore the apostle, here,
treats not of the decree or the divine purpose, by which some are elected and
others are reprobated, considered absolutely in their own nature, whether pure
or corrupt; but of a purpose such as includes that description of elect and
reprobate, which is here clearly observed in that purpose by the apostle: in
which consists, in fact, the controversy between Beza with his followers, who
strenuously defend the former and yourself, who urge a purpose of salvation
such as to embrace the characters of those, who are to be saved and those who
are to be damned.
But they will say that it is
indeed true that Ishmael and Esau, Isaac and Jacob are to be considered typically,
that is, the former, in each case, representing the character of the children
of the flesh, and of those who ale of the works of the law, and the latter, the
children of the promise, and those who are of faith, but that they also, for
themselves, belong, in the same manner, to those classes, which they typify,
and this of the eternal purpose of God, by which He determined to make Isaac
and Jacob children of the promise, and to bestow on them faith in Christ, but
to leave Ishmael and Esau in the carnal nature, in which they were born.
They affirm that we must go
further back and inquire why one is the child of the flesh, another of the
promise, why one should believe in Christ, and another should not believe, but
seek salvation of the works of the law. I answer -- It cannot be proved from
this passage that they, who are types, pertain to the antitypes: and if it may,
perhaps, be true that Ishmael and Esau belong to the children of the flesh, as
thus described, yet that they are such, of any divine purpose, is not taught in
this place. In this purpose, as we have explained it, something is determined
concerning the children of the flesh and of the promise, but with the
explanation which they prefer, something is determined concerning individuals, that
these should be children of the flesh, those of the promise. They cannot,
therefore, be the same purposes, the subject of one being changed into the
attribute of the other. Concerning the adequate subject, there is not, as yet,
harmony even among the Coryphaei of that view. And since the question -- “why
do some believe and others not?” has the same change of subject and attribute,
I affirm that it is not here discussed by the apostle, nor has it even the
least connection with his design. They must therefore, consult other passages
of Scripture and see whether they can, from them, obtain proof for that decree.
It is sufficient for us that, here, the purpose is described, by which our
justification and salvation through grace, may be self-consistent, and by which
we can be made more certain, in ourselves, concerning the same things. But this
purpose is that which God determined, after the former condition added to the
legal covenant had not been performed, and man had by the fall been made unable
to perform it, to enter into a covenant of grace with us through Christ; and of
grace to change the condition of the former covenant into faith in Christ, by
which we, believing in Christ, might obtain the same thing as we should have
previously obtained by plenary obedience to the law, rendered by ourselves. On
this purpose, as it appears, depends the certainty of our salvation, and at the
same time the assurance of it in ourselves. For we inter that assurance from
this Enthymeme, “I am a believer,” or
“I believe in Christ; -- therefore I shall be saved,” or “I am elect.” The
strength of which depends on this proposition: “God has immutably determined
from eternity to save those, who believe Christ;” in which words is contained
the sum of that purpose.
If anyone should inquire, “Why
did God wish that Ishmael and Esau should be the types of the children of the
flesh, but Isaac and Jacob the types of the children of the promise?” I answer
-- Because it was suitable for the sake of significance, and of agreement between
the type and the antitype; in relation to the former type that he who was born
of the bond woman and of the flesh should be the type of the children of the
flesh, but that he, who was born of the free woman, and of the promise, when
the flesh had now become unfruitful, should be the type of the children of the
promise; but in relation to the latter type, that he, who was born first,
should prefigure the children of the flesh, and he, who was born last, the
children of the promise. The reason will be manifest to those who consider the
agreement of types and antitypes.
It may be asked further, “Why
did God will that Ishmael should be born of the bond woman and of the flesh,
and that Esau should be born first; but that Isaac should be born of the free
woman, and of the promise, and Jacob last?” I reply that the same question
would be asked, if Isaac and Jacob had been substituted for Ishmael and Esau.
In this matter, the Divine freedom is complete, circumscribed by no necessity
of the Divine attributes, or of His revealed will. This will be seen of the
attributes of the divine nature and His own revealed will are subject to God,
in the determination of that purpose, for which your opponents contend.
Let us, now, come to another
objection, which is of this character: “What shall we say then? Is there
unrighteousness with God?” The nature of this question, and of this objection,
is manifest, but it is not equally clear, what the antecedent is from which
that objection is deduced. Some state it thus: -- “If God, without any respect
of works, regards Ishmael and Esau with hatred and excludes them from the
number of His children, but loves Isaac and Jacob, and considers them as His
children, is He not unjust? It seems to be a kind of injustice not to bestow the
same things on those of the same character.” It is true that, if the apostle
was considering them in themselves, and not as types of certain characters --
as has been remarked -- there would be an occasion for such an objection. For
it is certain that from those antecedents arises an occasion for the objection.
Such, however, was not the antecedent of the apostle, but this: “God in the
word of the covenant, and in the purpose, which is according to election,
embraced only those, who might be the children of the promise, who should
believe in Christ, to the exclusion of the children of the flesh and of those
who sought the righteousness of the law.” Whence it followed “that those of the
Jews were rejected who, in their zeal for the righteousness of the law, did not
believe in Christ, and, moreover, those of the Gentiles, who sought a
participation in justification and salvation by faith in Christ, were received
into the covenant.” There is besides another antecedent of that objection,
namely, this: “If God hates the children of the flesh, and excludes them from
the covenant, but loves the children of the promise, and reckons them in the
seed, embraced in the covenant, and this, indeed, of His mere purpose, without
respect to works, then it follows that He is unjust;” or this: “If God rejects
the Jews, and accepts the Gentiles in their place, then He is unjust.” But
these two amount to almost the same thing. I think that the reasoning of the
former is the more conclusive. The reasoning of this objection seems sufficient
to prove injustice in the Deity, because He made this decree of the mere good
pleasure of His will, without any reference to merit.
Let us, however, examine the
answer of the apostle. He first denies the inference. Then he gives the reason
for his denial. He denies the inference, when He says, “God forbid,” that is,
we ought by no means to admit the thought that there is injustice in God, who
is just in Himself, and, indeed, is essential justice, and does nothing, and
can do nothing, unless it most perfectly agrees with His nature.
The reason of this denial of
the inference is two-fold; first, from the liberty of the divine mercy;
secondly, from the due illustration of the divine power and glory. That, which
is inferred from the liberty of the divine mercy, is comprehended in these
words, “For He says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and
I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion” (15th verse). In these
words is expressed, according to the Hebrew idiom, this idea: “In the choice
and liberty of my will is placed the power of having mercy on whom I will:” as
is also indicated by the deduction, “Therefore has He mercy on whom He will
have mercy” (verse 18th). But in what way this answer is effectual to the
overthrow of that inference, the word Mercy declares, which word embraces in
itself the whole weight of the refutation. For the only sufficient reason for
charging injustice on God on account of that purpose was this: that God could
not, without injustice, make of none effect “His purpose of creation, by which
He made justification and life dependent on obedience to the law, but
condemnation and death in the transgression of the same law; especially so far
as to exclude, from justification and life, those, who should endeavour, by the
law, to attain to justification and life, but to make others, who should not
indeed do this, but should believe in Christ, partakers of justification and
life.” This charge of injustice can be removed from the Deity, only by the word
mercy, here used, which, as it presupposes misery and sin, by this very fact
indicates that a change of the purpose is not made with any blame on God, but
because the condition of that purpose had been violated by a transgression of
the law, and, thus, an inability to keep the law had been brought upon man.
Hence we see that, by the fault of man, the covenant, entered into at the
creation, was made void, and therefore God, free from its obligation, could
have either punished man according to his demerit, or instituted another
purpose in His own mind. That this might be for the good of man, it was
necessary that mercy should intervene, which should remit sin, and arrange a
condition, which He might, by the aid of mercy itself, be able to perform. The
apostle affirms that God formed within Himself a purpose of this character, and
this indeed of His mere mercy, which was free (yet under the guidance of
justice) to determine on whom He might will to have mercy, and on whom He might
will not to have mercy; whom He might will to make partakers of justification
and life, and whom to exclude from the same blessing. Whence it follows that
God, on account of a decree of this kind, and a purpose according to election,
by which He determined to receive the children of the promise into the
covenant, and exclude from it the children of the flesh, and which He purposed
should stand “not of works, but of Him that calls,” cannot be charged with
injustice; because, moved by mercy alone, He made this decree in His own mind.
God would, therefore, be unjust, if He should deprive anyone of justification
and life, or should require a condition contrary to the covenant entered into
at the creation: but when, on account of the violation of the condition, and of
inability to perform it, it was either for mercy to make a covenant of grace
with man, or for severity to punish man without hope of pardon; it is apparent
that God was not less free, that indeed He was much more free, to arrange
whatever conditions might seem good to Him, in that covenant, than in the
covenant of creation. Consequently He could not be charged with injustice in
one case more than in the other.
This whole matter may be
treated syllogistically: -- If the purpose of God according to election to
reject the children of the flesh, but to consider as seed, the children of the
promise has for its cause the mercy and compassion of God alone; then it
follows that God can, by no means, on this account be charged with injustice;
-- But the cause of that purpose is the mercy of God alone; -- Therefore God
cannot, on account of it, be charged with injustice. That this is the meaning
of the answer of the apostle is evident from the subjoined inferential answer
-- “So then it is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God, that
shows mercy,” (verse 16) supply here “the purpose according to election,” which
is effectual so far as he had before said -- “that the purpose of God,
according to election, might stand, not of works, but of Him that calls,” and “the
children of the promise are counted for seed,” the children of the flesh being
excluded. For, when the will and the course of men are opposed to the mercy of
God, it is certain that the reference is to the effort and the course of a man,
by which he hopes that he will obtain justification and salvation apart from
the mercy of God. Such, however, is the effort and the course of those, who
seek justification and salvation by the works of the law. When, also, mercy is,
on the other hand, placed in opposition to the will and course of men, it is
evident that the condition of justification and life, which is most nearly
related to mercy, namely, faith in Christ, the Mediator, is ordained, the other
being opposed to mercy.
The other reason of the
denial of the inference consists in the just illustration of the divine power
and glory, in those, on whom He wills not to have mercy: which, also, is set
forth, in the particular example of Pharaoh. It is comprehended in these words:
“For the Scripture says unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised you
up, that I might show my power in thee, and that my name might be declared in
all the earth” (verse 17.) From which passage, the apostle answers that pare of
the objection, in which God was charged with injustice because He rejected and
regarded with hatred the children of the flesh, of His purpose according to
election, in an argument, susceptible of the following form: -- If God is free,
for the just declaration of His own power and the illustration of His own name,
to raise up, harden and punish Pharaoh, then injustice cannot be attributed to
God, because, in His purpose according to election, He decrees to illustrate
His own power and glory in the just hardening and punishment of the children of
the flesh; -- But God was free to do the former, as is apparent from this
passage; -- Therefore also He is free to do the latter, and hence He cannot, on
this account, be accused of injustice. The argument of the Major is valid. For,
either God will be free, in no case, to illustrate the power and glory of His
name in the just punishment of any person, or He will be, also, free to decree
to do this, according to any purpose, in the condemnation of those, by whose
just condemnation He may will to declare His own power and the glory of His
It is, also, true that to
take away the right and power from God of making a decree, which is according
to election, is nothing else than to be unwilling that He should exhibit His
own power, and the glory of His own name, in the just hardening and punishment
of some men. For these things are conjoined, to punish any man and to decree
that the same man is obnoxious to punishment. Punishment can be, with justice,
inflicted on no one, unless the same thing was destined for him by a just purpose
or decree. How God was free to raise up and harden Pharaoh, &c., will be
shown hereafter, in the refutation of a subsequent objection. That this is the
whole meaning of the answer of the apostle appears from the conclusion,
subjoined to the whole answer -- “Therefore He has mercy on whom He will have
mercy, and whom He will He hardens” (verse 18).
For, by that conclusion, the
whole objection of the Jews is most fully refuted in this way: -- If God can
have mercy on whom He will, and harden whom He will, then He is also free to
form a purpose according to election, by which He may determine to have mercy
on the children of the promise, but to harden and punish the children of the
flesh; -- But God can have mercy on whom He will, and harden whom He will; --
Therefore He is free to make a decree, according to election, by which He may
determine to have mercy on the children of the promise, but to harden and
punish the children of the flesh. By consequence, also, if He should do this
which He is free to do, He cannot be, at all deservedly, accused of injustice.
Thus the justice of God, in that purpose according to election, is sustained
and proved by the apostle by the strongest testimonies from the Mosaic
Another objection of the Jews
is next presented (19th verse), arising from the latter part of the conclusion
immediately preceding; in the refutation of which, they who contend for that
absolute decree of God to save certain particular individuals and to damn
others, think that they have strong support for their cause. On which account,
also, we must diligently examine both the objection and its refutation, that we
may not, by negligence, pass over it, as though it were unseen: for it is, to
them, the club of Hercules, for conquering all the monsters of objection, or
rather the sword of Alexander, to cut any knot which cannot be untied. The
objection is this: “Why does he still find fault?” The reason of this objection
is added: “for who has resisted his will?” Which things, proposed in the form
of an interrogation, may be stated thus: “Therefore, He cannot justly find
fault, since no one can resist His will.” The objection will be filled up, by
the addition of the antecedent, from which this consequent is deduced: “God
hardens whom He will.” Therefore, He cannot
justly find fault with those, who are hardened. The connective reason between
these two is this: “Since no one has resisted His will.” Hence, exists a
continual proposition of this kind -- If no one can resist the will of God,
then He cannot justly find fault with those, whom He hardens according to that
Let this conditional
proposition be converted into a simple or categorical statement, “God cannot
justly find fault with those who are hardened by His own omnipotent will.” Such
is the objection. Let us now consider what force it has; that from the
examination, it may be evident how it can be refuted, and the way for its
suitable refutation, may be prepared. These two things, then, are to be
considered. First, “God cannot justly find fault with the hardened.” Second, “Because
He has hardened them by His omnipotent will, which cannot be resisted.” The
examination of the former consists in the discussion of this question. “Who are
they with whom God can justly find fault?” The examination of the second
consists in the discussion of this: “Whether and in what manner, they, who are
hardened by the omnipotent will of God, may be exempted from the number of
those with whom God can justly find fault?” The former question will be solved,
if it may be explained, what that is, on account of which God can justly find
fault, that is, what is the proper cause of the divine anger. The proper cause
of the divine anger, and that, on account of which God can justly find fault
with anyone, is sin. But sin is the transgression of a law, that is, of one
which is just, for, if a law be not just, it is not a law, and therefore, its
transgression is not a sin. That a law may be just, it necessarily requires
these two conditions, that it be enacted by him who has authority to command,
and that it be enacted for him who has the power or rather ability to obey; that
is, has ability of such a character as is hindered by no intervening decree,
from doing that which he can do. Whence it is apparent that “sin is a voluntary
transgression of the law,” which the sinner, since he could avoid it (I speak
now of the act), commits, of his own fault. On account of sin of this kind, and
with a sinner of this kind, God can justly find fault. This condition being
removed, God cannot justly find fault with a man on account of sin, and,
indeed, the man cannot commit sin. I say this, for the sake of those, who
think, though erroneously, that God can justly be angry with transgressors of
the law, even if they cannot, on account of an intervening decree, really obey
it. An act, which is inevitable on account of the determination of any decree,
does not deserve the name of sin. I doubt not that this is most certain; it
shall be proved, when it is necessary. From this, therefore, it is clear who
they are “with whom God can justly find fault.” Now let us consider whether and
how they, who are hardened by the omnipotent will of God, may be exempted from
that number; that is, whether the omnipotent will of God, hardening a person,
may remove the cause of just accusation, complaint and wrath. But let us
premise what that means, “For who has resisted his will?” Here omnipotence is
attributed to the will of God, universally able to subject all things to
itself, and actually subjecting them, when the will accompanies it, and it
accompanies the will. But omnipotence does not accompany the will, considered
in every respect; for God wills that His law should be obeyed by all, which is
not always done. Nor yet are there, in God, two wills mutually contrary, one of
which wills that His law should be obeyed by all, the other, that it should not
be obeyed; for in that case, it would not be wonderful that the law should not
be obeyed by many, when the latter will, armed by omnipotence, prevents
obedience to it. But some, when they endeavour to explain how it may be
possible that those wills should not be contrary, say that the will of God is
to be considered, in a two-fold relation, as secret and revealed. The revealed
will has reference to those things which are pleasing or displeasing to God,
the secret to those things which he simply and absolutely wills should be done,
or not done; and that it is entirely consistent that, in His revealed will, He
should will that one and the same action should be done, and, in His secret
will, that it should not be done, since He wills, in a different mode, in the
two cases. But there may be dispute whether a secret will can be supposed in
God, by which He might will, absolutely, that a thing should be done or not
done, which, by His revealed will, He might will should be done or not done.
Others say that this will of God is that of good-pleasure, or that of sign,
which amounts to the same thing. But is not the will of God, in relation to His
good-pleasure, signified in the word? It is also said that the divine will is,
in one respect, efficacious, in another, not efficacious. But this is the same
thing as to say -- one is resisted, the other cannot be resisted. It is
wonderful in what labyrinths they involve themselves, being blinded either by
unskillfulness or prejudice, or by both. To those who rightly consider the
subject, the will of God will appear to be one and the same thing in itself --
distinct in its objects.
What then? “Is not the will a
faculty, free according to reason, or at least the appearance of reason,
extended to the act of doing or having?” So, also, in God. We may be permitted, in our obscure
phraseology, to delineate those things, which exist in that clearest light. He
wills to do, and He wills to have. The former wills something from Himself, the
latter wills something from us; by the former He wills that something should be
done by Himself, and invokes omnipotence, which always accompanies it. By the
latter, He wills that something should be done by us agreeably to justice, the
pattern of which He presents us, in His own law. But it is necessary that He
should reveal unto us, and indeed command that, which He wills from us, that he
may obtain from us that which He wills. He does not, however, always disclose
to us that which He wills to be done by Himself, or that which He wills to do,
but only sometimes as He judges may tend to His own glory, and to our
You ask whether the subject
of discussion is any secret will of God, and you, indeed, add your opinion that
such is not the subject. You, already know my sentiments in reference to the
secret will of God. I think, with you, that the subject of discussion, here, is
not that secret will, in whatever way it may be taken. Let them say what that
secret will is. Is it that God cannot be resisted, so that He should not harden
those whom He wills to harden? The truth of this is manifest, from the
declaration itself. Is it secret who they are whom God wills to harden? By no
means. Nothing is more plain in the Scripture, than that sinners, persevering
in their sins against the long suffering of God, who invites them to
repentance, are those whom God wills to harden. It is, however, not evident,
but hidden, who those sinners are. This is true; but what relation has it to
the will, that it should, therefore, be called hidden. The knowledge of God in
this place will rather be called hidden from us. Of many such sinners, God
wills to harden this one and not that one, and it is hidden from us which He
wills to harden rather than others. I do not, now, discuss that point; but I
affirm that this is not discussed in this passage. Therefore, since it will not
be discussed in this place what that object of the will is, which is considered
hidden by us, neither is the secret will of God in any way treated of in this
place. But to return; that omnipotent will removes the cause of just anger, if,
by it, a man may be moved to the commission of sin, and by that power which ye cannot
resist, and so the hardened will be, by that will, excluded from the number of
those with whom God can be justly angry, if they did that, on account of which
they are hardened, being moved by that omnipotent will, which no one can
resist. I do not speak, here, concerning compulsion. For “God cannot compel,
nor can the will be compelled,” but it is sufficient to excuse the man, and to
exempt him from the just wrath of God, if there exist any force of divine
impulse, which is followed by the inevitable necessity of doing that to which
he is moved. If, indeed, the man commits that which deserves hardening of
free-will, he is subjected to blame, and is worthy of wrath, even if he may be
hardened by that will, which cannot be resisted. For resisting and that freely,
the divine will, revealed in the word, which can be resisted, he is brought
into that necessity of the divine decree, also revealed in the word, which cannot
be resisted, and so the will of God is done in reference to him, by whom the
will of God is not done. From these things, I think that a solution to that
question can easily be formed.
But let us examine the answer
of the apostle, and with that diligence, which the gravity and difficulty of
the subject deserves, yet according to our measure. At the outset, however, it
is not to be supposed that the apostle sought evasions, when he could not
refute the objection itself, nor did he involve the subject in difficulties,
that he might coerce and restrain the objector, terrified by the difficulty of the
subject, but he most aptly and effectually refuted the whole objection. I would
dare to affirm that no objection in the whole Scripture is more sufficiently
Let this objection be placed
before the eyes, with all its fundamental principles contracted into a small
space, that it may be inspected, as it were, in a single moment, in the
following form -- “Can God be justly angry with those, who are hardened by his
irresistible will?” We may be permitted to use that form of expression for the
sake of compendious significance. The answer of the apostle is two-fold. In one
part, reproving the objector on account of his own unworthiness, and that of
the objection; in the other, refuting the objection. That which has the nature
of reproof has three parts, the reproof, its reason, and the proof of its
reason. The reproof is proposed in the form of an interrogation in these words:
“Nay but, O man, who are you who replies against God?” That is, Consider, O
man, who you are and who God is, and you will understand that you are unworthy
to answer God in that manner. To slander so excellent a doctrine in a manner
such as to charge unjust wrath upon God, and to wholly exculpate man, was
resistance of God to His very face, and the most direct opposition to Him.
Hence it is not wonderful that the apostle, excited by the indignity of the
thing, should have determined sternly to reprehend the man, who should make an
The reason consists in a
comparison of man and God, in the like unworthy answer, adapted to that
comparison. For as there are three things contained in that proposition, The
man replying, God to whom the reply is made, and the reply itself. The reason
of that proposition refers to those three things, in these words, “Shall the
thing formed say to Him that formed it, Why have you made me thus? Here man is
compared to “the thing formed,” God to “Him that formed it,” and the reply to
this, “why have you made me thus?” In this comparison the apostle gives the
reason why it is not suitable for man, as “the thing formed,” to reply thus to
God, as “to Him that formed it,” as if he should say, “as it is not permitted
to the thing formed to say to Him that formed it, ‘Why have you made me thus?’
so also, it is not permitted to thee, O man, to reply to God in this way. For you
are nothing else than clay and a worm of the earth, a thing made by God, but
God is He who made and formed you.”
We considered next what is
the answer to this reply, which is reproved in the thing formed, though we
must, first, examine the third pare of the reproof; that is, the proof of the
reason. That is deduced from the right and power, or from a comparison of the
right and power, which the potter has over the clay, to the right and power,
which God has over that which He has formed, or rather over that from which He
formed it. The right and power of the potter goes to prove the unworthiness of
that objection and therefore to its refutation.
The comparison, also, has the
effect of demonstrating that God has the same right over His own creature,
which the potter has over that, which he makes. In the first place, the
conclusion is like this -- “If the potter has power, of the same lump, to make
one vessel unto honour and another unto dishonour, it is not for thee, the thing
formed, to say to Him that formed thee, ‘Why have you made me thus?’ -- But the
potter has that power; -- Therefore, &c.” In the second place: “If the
potter has that power over the clay, then also God has the same over men, or
rather over that from which He was about to form or make men; -- But the former
is true; -- Therefore, the latter, also, is true.” Therefore, also, “it is not
for man to reply against God, ‘Why have you made me thus?’” or to make this
objection, on account of which the apostle reproves and rebukes the objector.
Thus much in reference to the arrangement and the sum of the objurgatory
answer, in which, also, it is shown how that can tend to the refutation of the
objection itself, if, indeed, an addition, suitable to the comparison, had been
made. We must now treat, in a right and legitimate manner, of the application
of the things compared. This will consist, wholly, in an explanation of the
right and power of God over the man, either already created or to be created.
First, in reference to the comparison used in the reason, “shall the thing
formed say to Him, that formed it, Why have you made me thus?” The explanation
of this will be, according to the comparison, -- “so it is not lawful for a man
to answer God, as you do in that objection.” In any case, it is necessary that
the objection of the man should have congruity with this of “the thing formed.”
But the former was this: “if you hardened a man by your irresistible will, there is no reason that you
should find fault with him:” This objection, harmonized with that of “the thing
formed” will be like this, “Why have you made me, to be hardened by your irresistible will?” What Beza says, here, of
the mutability of human condition, seems to me to have little adaptation to the
If, likewise, we should
consider the argument from the power of the potter, it will be apparent that
some such application of that comparison was to be made. For what resemblance
has the power of making to honour or to dishonour to the power of making something
changeable. But it has much resemblance to the power of making a person, to be
hardened or to receive mercy. Let us now see what is the explanation of the
comparison which is used in that argument. “Has not the potter power over the
clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another to
dishonour?” The explanation, strictly set forth, will be thus, “thus God has power
from the same lump to make some men to honour, others to dishonour; or some to
wrath, others to mercy,” in a manner adapted to the subject of discussion, as
appears from the following verses: from which the conclusion is deduced. “If
God has power, from the same mass of the human race, to make one vessel to
wrath, and another to mercy, then man cannot, justly, reply against Him, Why have
you by your irresistible will, made me
to be hardened, that is, a vessel to wrath?” He adds, however, in reference to
the vessels to honour and mercy, though the question was only in reference to
the hardened, since the subject of discussion is the power of God which has
reference to both. You will observe that I have presented these things, most
rigidly, according to the sense of my opponents, because I wish to concede to
them whatever can, in any way, be accommodated to the scope of the
We must now see how those
things are to be understood which we attribute to God in those applications;
namely, that “He has power, from the mass of the human race, to make one vessel
to honour and another to dishonour, one man to obtain mercy, and another to be
hardened by His irresistible will.” The word “power” used here signifies not
ability but right and authority. The
subject, therefore, in this passage, is not that absolute power by which He is
able to do anything, but the right by which it is lawful that He should do anything.
In the word “lump,” Beza understands the reference to be to “the human race, as
not yet created, and not yet corrupt.” We know that Augustine was of a
different opinion, and that he considered the “lump” as referring to the fallen
human race; if anyone wishes to deny the latter view, the argument, which Beza
presents, will not be sufficient, namely, that “the apostle must, then, have
said that God left some vessels in dishonour, and transferred others from that
state to honour.” But I am willing to concede this to him, that unformed matter
is signified by the word “lump.” For it does not seem to me to be sufficiently
safe, to say that God has not power from one lump to make one vessel to wrath,
and another vessel to mercy, -- to make one man to be hardened by his
irresistible will, and another to obtain mercy. When we see daily that God
makes vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath, and that He hardens some men, and
has mercy on others, it is indeed apparent that He has the right to do that
which He really does. But I add that He has the right to do this, in the same
mode, in which He does it, and to determine to do it for the same reasons, in
view of which He really does it. The subject, indeed, would be plain in itself,
if it had not been involved in difficulties, by a preposterous mode of
explanation. This I will not here disprove, lest I may be too prolix: for I
have not designed to do this now, but only to show that this chapter, by which,
as by a firm foundation, they say that their theory is supported, is not in
their favour.
I will, however, endeavour to
throw some light on this subject. When God is said to make vessels of wrath or
vessels of mercy, to harden a man or to have mercy on him, then necessarily
three things are to be considered, two explicitly, one implicitly, being
interposed between the other two as a medium or means. First it is necessary
that a man should exist, and be a vessel. Secondly, it is necessary that before
he can be a vessel of wrath or of mercy, he should be a vessel of sin, that is,
a sinner. Thirdly, that he should be a vessel of wrath or of mercy.
Let us now consider what is
the work of God in this matter. First, then, it is the work of God by which He
makes man, that he may exist, not only that he may exist, but that he may exist
to a certain end, which is signified in the term “vessel,” which is equivalent
to “instrument.” But an instrument is made to some end. The Scripture declares
that this end is the glory of God. Therefore, God made man for His own glory,
that is, not that He should receive glory from man, but that He might
illustrate His own glory in a much more distinguished manner, by man than by
His other creatures. But the glory of God is illustrated, by a manifestation of
His own natural attributes, especially of those which are considered as being
of secondary importance, such as goodness, justice, wisdom and power. There are
others which belong more intimately to His essence, as simplicity, infinity,
eternity, immutability, &c.
It is now to be considered
what the attributes are, in the manifestation of which the glory of God was,
first of all, to be displayed. I affirm, that they were His goodness, justice,
wisdom and power. It belonged to goodness that He should communicate Himself;
to justice, to prescribe the rule of that communication; to wisdom, to know how
it might suitably and possibly be done; to power, that He should be able, in
fact to communicate Himself. Goodness, therefore, impelled God, to make not
only other things, but man also, that is, to so communicate Himself to Nothing,
by His own image, that out of Nothing and that communication there should exist
that being, which is man. Justice prescribed the mode, in which it was suitable
that this communication should be made: for it is the arbitrator of goodness,
or as Tertullian says, the arbitrator of the works of God. Wisdom knew how it
might be proper that God should communicate Himself to that which was to be
made man, and how God could do this. Power, the instrument of the others, was
at hand to perform. God could communicate His own image to Nothing. But man was
made, only, that he might be a vessel of that goodness, justice, wisdom and
power, and thus He was a vessel to illustrate the divine glory. It must,
however, be also considered in what manner he should be a vessel to illustrate
the glory of God.
This is indeed true. -- God
did not make man, that he might only be that which he was made, but that he
might tend to greater perfection. Nor did God think that His own goodness was
satisfied, when He had once communicated Himself to man, as his creator, but
his own glorified, but He wished to communicate Himself further to man, as also
“the glorifier of man;” and that this might be possible He endowed him, not
only with natural, but also with supernatural gifts. But justice prescribed the
rule and measure of this communication, namely, that it ought to be made only
on the condition that man should live, in accordance with the divine image, in
obedience to the commands of God, and, since he could be exalted, he could also
be cast down, -- and nothing was more just than that he should be cast down, if
he should abuse the gifts, by the right use of which he could be exalted to the
highest dignity. Man was, therefore, in that respect, a vessel to illustrate
the just goodness and wrath of God, by which God might declare His own great
goodness in blessing him, if he should live righteously, and His severe wrath
in punishing him, if he should transgress the command. Thus God made man
originally, and in him the rest of mankind, vessels to illustrate His just
goodness and wrath, that is, instruments fit for this. But He did not, in fact,
do this, without the intervention of that, which is here considered in the
second place. -- Man, originally placed in this condition, by the Deity, by
transgressing the command, made himself an evil vessel, that is, a sinner: with
the concurrence of no co-operation of the Deity to this result, except such as
was suitable to His goodness, justice, wisdom, and indeed to His constancy, by
which nothing was taken away from the freedom of man or the actual mode of
freewill would be restrained or would be impelled in this or that direction.
Man, existing in this state,
with all his posterity, whom God had determined to produce, of his blood, by
the ordinary means, was worthy to receive, in view of his demerits, punishment
and wrath, that is, to be made, in fact, a vessel of wrath. That same goodness
(which I may be allowed here to call the source mercy), did not however permit
this, and this is true even of the justice of God, the arbitrator of goodness
and mercy. The wisdom of God indeed knew that punishment was due to that cause
-- sin, and justice wished that what was due to that cause should be rendered
to it; but the former also knew that still more was due to goodness, and the
latter according to its nature, that what was due to goodness should also be
rendered to it, namely, that highest demonstration of itself, and its
advancement to the place of mercy, which is the inclination of goodness towards
the wretched, and the ill-deserving. It was suitable that the goodness of God
should communicate itself, not only to the non-existing, and those existing
without any merit, and to the well-deserving (if they had obeyed the
commandment), but also to the ill-deserving, and to the transgressors of the
law, that He might give to him who had not, give again and with addition to him
that had, and spare him that abused his gifts; thus being victorious over sin
by its own remission, as triumphant over Nothing, by the act of creation. Therefore, wisdom discovered a mode by which
what was due to the cause might be rendered to it, and what was due to goodness
might be rendered to it, namely, Jesus Christ the Mediator, on whom the cause
of the human race might be laid, to be borne and carried through before the
tribunal of justice by whom man might become a vessel to illustrate the divine
justice and goodness, in the highest and most excellent way.
Here also justice interposed
itself, mindful of its duty, and showed that such a communication of goodness,
by means of mercy, could not be made without a condition in this case more
suitably than in the former; but it was just that a condition should be fixed
upon, in accordance with which that good should be communicated, of mercy, or
not communicated at all, and, instead of it, the contrary evil should be
inflicted. Hence, also, it was determined to make some men vessels of wrath and
others vessels of mercy, that is, fitted to wrath or to mercy; of mercy, those
who should perform the condition; of wrath, those who should violate it and not
cease to violate it; and this irrevocably and of necessity, so that those who
should have violated the condition, persisting in that violation, should be
made, by that act, vessels of wrath, and they, who should perform the same,
should be made, by that act, vessels of mercy: which same mercy, nevertheless,
bestowed the power of obedience in that mode in which it is suitable that
mercy, mingled with justice, should bestow it. Briefly, God makes man a vessel;
Man makes himself an evil vessel, or a sinner; God determines to make man,
according to conditions, satisfactory to himself, a vessel of wrath or of
mercy, and this He in fact does, when the condition is either fulfilled, or
perseveringly neglected.
From this it is apparent what
is the true sense of those things, which are here proposed by the apostle,
namely, that God has the power to make men from unformed matter, and to
establish a decree concerning them, of the pure choice and pleasure of His
will, sanctioned by certain conditions, according to which He makes some
vessels to dishonour, other vessels to honour; and therefore man has no just
reason for replying against God because He has, by His irresistible will, made
him to be hardened, since obstinacy in sin intervenes between that
determination of the will and the actual hardening; on account of which
obstinacy God wills according to the same pleasure of His will, to harden the
man by His irresistible will. If anyone shall say that God has
power absolutely or
unconditionally to make a man a vessel to dishonour and wrath, he will do the
greatest injustice to the Deity, and will contradict the plain declaration of
Scripture. Therefore, Beza himself does not dare absolutely to affirm this, but
he affirms that the decree is to be so understood, that its execution does not
take place until after man, having become sinful, has made himself worthy of
wrath. But he so subjoins the execution of the decree as to make the proximate
cause of its execution depend on the decree itself, which is equivalent to the
absolute statement, that God determined to make some men vessels to honour,
others to dishonour; some vessels of wrath, others vessels of mercy; and that
he might be able to do this, to make all, in the first place, sinners, that
afterwards He might make, of His justice, some, vessels of wrath and to
dishonour, and, of His mercy, others, vessels of mercy and to honour. Whatever
absurdity can be deduced from that comparison of the apostle, by introducing a
wrong interpretation, it may be detected only by the distinction, which exists
between men and the vessels of the potter, when that distinction is rightly
I have thus treated these
matters; not as if there could be no other explanation of that comparison, but
that, conceding their own explanation to our opponents, I might show that even
it, when rightly understood according to the analogy of faith, does not favour
any purpose, such as they wished to conclude from it, but indeed agrees, most
fully, with the other view, which you describe. But what if I should say, and I
surely have this right, that the true explanation is not that, which they give,
but what the apostle presents in the next two verses -- “What if God, willing
to, &c.” -- and that he uses the reference to the power of the potter over
the clay both to confirm the reason of the reproof, and to refute the
objection. These very things are also of a kindred nature. For to demonstrate
the unworthiness of an objection is, in some measure, to refute it, as we also
see in the former cases. I do not see, in what respect, this explanation may
not be fitly accommodated to that proposition: “For, as the potter has power
over the clay of the same lump to make one vessel to honour, and another to
dishonour, so God has power, and indeed with much greater justice, to endure
with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction, and to
prepare the vessels of mercy into glory.” This justice is illustrated by the
ends, which God has proposed to Himself in both cases. It will be said “there
is want of agreement between the expressions, ‘to make vessels to dishonour,’
and ‘to endure with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to
destruction’ that is ‘to dishonour;’ but that, with the former, this expression
is more in agreement ‘to fit the vessels of wrath to destruction;’ as, ‘to
prepare the vessels of mercy unto glory’ is in agreement with ‘to make vessels
to honour.”‘ But who shall prescribe to the apostle the mode of applying his
own comparison? Is it not allowable for him to show the purity of the divine
power in that, which God really does in reference to the vessels of wrath and
of mercy, although it may be less than what the potter does concerning the
vessels unto honour and dishonour, that in this way the force of the argument
may be stronger, from the less to the greater, than from an equal to an equal?
There is, however, something wanting to that application of the apostle, and it
is clear that it is of this character. “Shall He not then have power to do
this?” or “shall He not therefore be able to find fault justly with the
Let us, now, consider, finally,
how fully the objection is refuted by those words, in whatever sense they may
be taken, whether as an explanation of the comparison, or absolutely and in
their simple meaning. I said, and still say, that no objection, in the whole
Scripture, seems to me more thoroughly refuted, and that no answer more
sufficiently exhausts all the difficulties of any objection. The objection had
three parts, The antecedent “God hardens when he will;” The consequent, which
contains the chief force of the objection, “Therefore he cannot justly find
fault with the hardened;” The proof of this conclusion from an adjunct of the
divine will, “because the will of God cannot be resisted. The antecedent, and
the argument of the conclusion or consequence, may be connected thus -- “God
hardens, when he wills, by His irresistible will.” The consequent is added
thus, “With them God cannot justly find fault.” Four simple ideas are contained
in that objection. The divine wrath, the persons hardened, irresistible will,
deservedly or unreservedly, which fourth I would prefer to call “the mode of
composition by affirmation or of division by negation.” The relation between
these is proposed by the objector thus, -- “The wrath of God is an attribute,
by which God deals with the hardened, who therefore constitute the object of
wrath, and, in this case, also its cause; as frequently objects have the
relation of cause to certain attributes, not in the essential nature of the
attributes themselves, but so far as they are exercised with those objects,
that is not in the primary, but in a secondary act. The hardened and the
irresistible will of God are placed as cause and effect. The hardening is the
effect of the irresistible will of God. Now it is inquired whether, that
relation being supposed to exist between the hardening and the irresistible
will, there is the same relation between the divine wrath and the hardened,
that is, whether God can be angry with those thus hardened, which is signified
by the expression deservedly and undeservedly. To these things, thus explained,
the answer of the apostle may be applied.
First, the apostle declares
that such a relation does not subsist between the wrath of God and the
hardened, but rather the opposite relation. For the hardened are the object of
the divine wrath, nor is their hardening the cause of that wrath, but the
divine wrath is rather the cause of their hardening. God also, in the act of
hardening is occupied with those, with whom He is already angry, that is with
those, who are already, in fact, vessels of wrath. This the apostle signifies
when he declares that God hardens “the vessels of wrath, fitted to destruction.”
There is then in those arguments not only the fallacy of causa non causa, subjecto non subjecto, but also that of the
inversion of cause and effect, of subject and adjunct, hence their refutation
is most complete. So far from the truth is it that God cannot find fault with
those, whom He has hardened, that, on the contrary, He may not harden them,
unless they have already, by their own fault, been made vessels of the most
just wrath of God. The whole Scripture teaches that hardening is the effect and
the sign of the divine wrath. Hence the question “Can God be angry with the
hardened?” is a foolish one. It should be inquired “Can God harden those with
whom He is angry?”
In the second place, the
apostle replies to the relation between “hardening and irresistible will,” in
these words “endured with much long suffering the vessels of wrath;” in which
He signifies that the mode of hardening is “patience and mildness” not the
omnipotent action of the will which cannot be resisted. Therefore, there is
here also the fallacy of causa non causa.
It will, however, be asked, “Does not the decree, by which God determined to
harden the vessels of
wrath, pertain to the will,
which cannot be resisted?” This is indeed true. But it is one thing for God to
use the omnipotent act of His own will to effect hardening, and another thing
for Him to determine by that will that He will harden the vessels of wrath. For
in that case, the exercise of the will is attributed to the decree of hardening
not to the act; between which the difference is so great that it is possible
that God should, by His irresistible will, make a decree in reference to
hardening the vessels of wrath by His patience and long suffering. If it shall
be said that “this hardening will nevertheless, more surely follow by means of
that patience, on account of the decree by which He not only determined to use
patience, but also to use it for the purpose of hardening, and that this is
equivalent to that omnipotent act of the will which cannot be resisted,” I
shall deny that it is equivalent. But to the proof of this denial many things
pertain, which it would be tedious to present here; I will, on that account,
omit any reply, because this objection does not militate against my design. For
should we concede that the vessels of wrath are hardened by the force of the
omnipotent will, would this take away even the least particle from the justice
of the divine wrath, when they have themselves merited hardening, while it is
for God to decide to inflict the punishment, in whatever way may seem good to
Him? The third pare of the reply refers to the equity of that divine act, which
the apostle now explains, deduced from its design. What then; is it not just
that God should in some way, demonstrate His wrath and power? Most just. But
against whom, if not against “the vessels of wrath, fitted to destruction”
which God “endured with much long suffering?” Either it is just that God should
declare His power and wrath against persons of this character, or He will, in
no case, be free to do it, and thus it will be in vain that God is armed with
power and wrath, since He can never exercise them, in whatever way He may be
provoked. From this, it is manifest, that this is here set forth by the
apostle, more clearly than the refutation of that objection demanded. For
whatever could be presented, not only as apology, but also as defense, and even
as declaration of the divine wrath against the hardened, is here presented; and
thus they are described in whom God would show His wrath and power that they
all might together embrace, in themselves the just causes of the divine wrath.
For He is not angry with them, unless they have already become vessels of
wrath; nor does He, when, by their own merit, they have been fitted for
destruction, immediately, in accordance with His own right, carry out His wrath
in their destruction, but He endures them, with much long-suffering and
patience, inviting them to penitence and waiting for their repentance; but
when, with a heart, hardened and knowing not how to repent, they contemn the
long suffering and patience of God, it is not wonderful that even the most
merciful goodness of God should not be able to restrain Him from the exercise
of His wrath, lest, when that anger is demanding that justice should render to
it its own highest right, He should seem to give it no place.
We shall, however, set forth
the answer with greater conciseness, if we adapt it to the several parts of the
syllogism in the objection. The syllogism was as follows -- “He, who hardens by
His own irresistible will, cannot justly ‘find fault’ with those, who are
hardened; -- But God hardens by His own irresistible will; -- Therefore, He cannot
justly find fault with those hardened.” The apostle replies to the Major by
denial; both because it is absolutely false, since they, whom God hardens, have
merited that hardening, and God is free to inflict upon them, according to
their merits, in whatever way it may seem good to Him; and because a false
cause of anger is alleged, namely, hardening, while they, even before they are
hardened, were vessels of wrath, and, therefore, the cause of the hardening.
The Major, then, should be corrected thus: “He, who, by His own irresistible
will, hardens those who, because they are vessels of wrath, have deserved
hardening, can moreover ‘find fault’ with those justly hardened.” To the Minor,
the apostle replies, by proposing another mode of hardening, by which is
removed that mode, which is assumed in the Minor; for He “endured, with much
long suffering, the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction.” Why should any
imputation be made against God, if they have been hardened on account of their
own wickedness. The Minor, then, should also be corrected; “But God, using
patience and long suffering towards the vessels of wrath, hardens them.” The
Major also must then be further amended, by introducing this mode of hardening,
which will greatly favour its truth and equity. From this it follows that the
conclusion is false; its contrary follows of necessity from the correction made
in its antecedents, and it is most fully true, not only on account of the
antecedent truth, but also on account of the just design of the divine
hardening, which is the illustration and exhibition of the wrath and power of
God. What pertains to that phrase, “vessels of wrath fitted to destruction,”
can be easily understood from the preceding remarks. As to what is said in addition
in reference to “the vessels of mercy,” it has been explained for what purpose
the apostle did this. As there is no dispute on this point, I will omit further
In this discussion, I seem to
myself to have demonstrated that this passage, from the Apostle, does not serve
to confirm that doctrine, which may think to be built on this chapter as a
foundation. I have not, however, thought proper to treat the subjects
themselves, embraced in this chapter, more extendedly, because this will be
done more fitly at another time, when we consider them, abstractly, and not as
depending on the authority of this or that passage.